Meeting Minutes : August 2023

# of Members Present:   20 members were present at the August Meeting

Previous Minutes read and approved:    READ & APPROVED


President:  Updated members on the Harverster Homecoming – went smoothly and everyone was engaged and interested

                    Bill – goes to shows and mentions us and our show 

Vice President: “Everything is in – locked and loaded, ready to go!”

Treasurer:   BALANCE of the NEW 501c3 ACCOUNT.

Secretary:   Updated on donations, Updated on Car Show Jobs, Photographer will be at the August 14th meeting to meet everyone and understand what he is doing.

SAA:    updated on donation list/cc machine will be ordered/coupons for Texas Roadhouse/star bank donation – moved and approved to purchase 4 new radios (to have all the same for better communication when used)


New Business   Interview with WANE TV (Kyle & Corina) (9/13/23) for show, discussed Show Business and many local car shows.

                        Friday 8/11 – car show Chapel Ridge (Walmart on 37) 5-8 pm

                        Friday 8/25 – Dehaven Chevrolet (Illinois Road) 5-8 pm

                        Saturday 8/19 – OUR CAR SHOW (Schoff Park) 9 am – 3 pm

                        Sunday 8/20 – Parking Lot Party (3131 Maplecrest Rd.) 11:30 am – 2:30 pm

                        Saturday 9/9 – Grabill Parade – 10 am (be there 8:30 am)

Notices / Communications:

Reminder:  Monday, August 21 2023 will be our fundraiser evening at TEXAS ROADHOUSE! We will have coupons in goodie bags at the show and will be passing them out then.  The coupons have to be in attendants hands BEFORE they enter the restaurant. We get 10% of all the meals that have coupons.  LET’S ROUND THOSE PEOPLE UP!

Attached is the current “JOB LIST” for the show.

If anyone needs Show Flyers and/or Donation, Letters please see the attached.

Club members are still involved in trying to sell Dave Strausberg’s car. The car price has been dropped to $18,000.00.  The motor is on our site and Samba.

Our show is coming up fast (August 19th 2023 @ Shoaff Park). We currently have 95 door prizes and 6 very nice Raffle prizes! Great Job Everyone!

Our “Stuff Goodie Bags” (and any last minute business) meeting will be on August 14th  at Shoaff Park, 6401 St. Joe Rd, Fort Wayne, IN  46835.  If it is raining we will shift meeting to Parking Garage 3 on Purdue Fort Wayne Campus (2nd level parking). Arrive between 6 and 6:30 pm.  Bring chairs and food for yourselves. We will be filling goodie bags and getting ready for the show! Exciting times!!!

Meeting Adjourned: 7:20pm

REMINDER:   Corina & Ben’s Wedding is September 23rd.  If you haven’t already RSVP’d, please do BEFORE the end of the month (as we need our count right after Labor Day). Thanks and hope to see you all there to celebrate with us.


3:30 pm

In looking at the pending weather, I am safely going to move the meeting from the park to the parking garage. Hope to see EVERYONE there. Bring your chairs and any goodie bag items that you have.




Good evening everyone,

Welcome to all the new members.  This email is going out to let everyone know that our September meeting will be September 11th at Shoaff Park.  Arrive between 6 and 6:30pm. Bring a chair to sit on. If it is raining, we will go to the parking garage #3 on the PFW campus, level 2.

Also, if anyone knows where there is one of our club radios, please let me know as we are missing one from after the show.


Thank you and good night!!


OFVW Club Secretary

Meeting Minutes : June 2023

 # of Members Present:   25 members were present at the June Meeting

Previous Minutes read and approved:    READ & APPROVED

Reports:   No Reports at this time.


Vice President:  






Notices / Communications: 

Tammy Strausberg has donated (2) 6’ tables and (1) 4’ table to the club.  The club will wait till next year to purchase more new ones.

Larry Lantzer is back and healthy!

OFVW has been asked to partner with the Scouts for the Homecoming.

Monday, August 21 2023 will be our fundraiser evening at TEXAS ROADHOUSE! We will have coupons in goodie bags at the show and will be passing them out then.  The coupons have to be in attendants hands BEFORE they enter the restaurant. We get 10% of all the meals that have coupons.  LET’S ROUND THOSE PEOPLE UP!

Attached is the current “JOB LIST” for the show.

The t-shirt design is the same as last year except for the color is purple with a spider web in the upper left corner of the state.  This is in memory of Dave Strausberg.  The t-shirst will sell for $15 each and we will be selling the new ones as well as the remaining ones from last years show.  We increased the number of shirts and hope that accepting credit cards for just the shirts will help to sell more.

Larry Theil has lettered the trailer and has some donors on there. (pictures attached)

If anyone needs Show Flyers and/or Donation, Letters please see the attached.

Club members are currently involved in trying to sell Dave Strausberg’s car and separate motor.  Car is listed for $19,995.00 and the motor is listed for $5,495.00.  They are both on our site.

Our show is coming up fast (August 19th 2023 @ Shoaff Park)  KEEP ACTIVELY GETTING DONATIONS AND LET ME KNOW SO I CAN THANK THEM!  We have a lot as of now but NEED many more!

July’s meeting will be on July 10th at Shoaff Park, 6401 St. Joe Rd, Fort Wayne, IN  46835.  If it is raining we will shift meeting to Parking Garage 3 on Purdue Fort Wayne Campus (2nd level parking). Arrive between 6 and 6:30 pm.  Bring chairs and food for yourselves.

Meeting Adjourned: 7:30pm

Meeting Minutes : April 2023

# of Members Present: 20 members were present at April Meeting

Previous Minutes read and approved: Will be starting this at the May meeting

Reports: No Reports at this time, will be starting this at the May meeting

Old Business There wasn’t any old business discussed at this meeting

New Business — Bid letter and pictures were passed around for the sealed bid for the Hamilton Fire Department trailer. Bid letter was approved to mail in by May 1, 2023. Insurance for said trailer was discussed, proposed and then declined.
— Gary obtained a 2nd food vendor for the car show in August. Monterrico (mexican food).
— Here is Chuck & Becky’s address. 5796 C.R. 51, St. Joe, IN 46785
— Marilyn & Orlyn purchased a clock with neon lights for the raffle at the car show in August. It was approved by Kyle.
— We were informed (for those who did not already know) that Vorderman Volkswagen advertises our car show on their digital sign for weeks before the car show in August.
— We had (2) new members come to the April meeting. Welcome to Michael Bechtel and his daughter Rachel Bowers – both from Huntington IN.
— Corina passed out papers to be able to update members information.
— Kyle discussed the benefits of our club becoming a 501c3 (non-profit organization). At the bottom of the member information papers there was a place to take a vote (either stay as we were or to move to 501c3). The vote was unanimous! We are moving to a 501c3.

Notices / Communications: May’s meeting will be on May 1st at Rich’s Café, 3411 Lower Huntington Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46809. Arrive between 6 and 6:30 pm. We have reservations in the back room. We have some topics of discussion for the May meeting

Meeting Adjourned: 8:07pm

Meeting Minutes : March 2023

Meeting Minutes of March 6, 2023
Twenty-two members of the Old Fort VW Club met at Jalapenos Restaurant for our March meeting.
 After good food and fellowship, we had our bi-annual election of officers. The following were elected: President: Kyle Shepherd, Vice President: Gary Stetler, Treasurer: Orlyn Meyer, Secretary, Corina Billman. Thank you to each of our officers for being willing to serve!
 A big shout out, also, to Larry Thiel, who has served for the last nine years as Vice President. Larry, we really appreciate all of your hard work and leadership! We hope you will continue to be a vital part of the OFVW Club for many years!
 Kyle said we may have an electric Scout proto-type at the Show this year.
 Kyle is planning to have the updated Show fliers printed this week.
 We have a Show ad coming out in Samba for our August 19th Car Show.
 Kyle is suggesting purple or purple and gray T-shirts for the Show, using the same design as last year.
 Larry Thiel said, “Thank you to the Club”, from Dave Strasburg. Dave had no obituary or service. He wanted to be remembered as we knew him. We discussed what we can do for Tammy. Kyle will work on a memorial slate, and show it to the Club at the next meeting.
 It was suggested that we offer the Strasburg Award for a winner at the Car Show.
 Larry Thiel checked with the Parks Department about a memorial for Dave Strasburg, but a tree planted would be $500, a tree and stone, $700, or a bench and stone, $2500.00.
 The ACD Museum is sponsoring Coffee and Cars on May 20th and June 17th.
 It has been my pleasure to serve the OFVW Club as secretary for the last fifteen years. It is time to pass on the torch, and I welcome Corina Billman as the new Club secretary. As of April, your correspondence will be coming from Corina. I plan to continue helping the Club in various ways.
Marilyn Meyer

Meeting Minutes : February 2023

Meeting Minutes of February 6, 2023
Nineteen members of the Old Fort VW Club met at the Union Street Market of The Electric Works for our February meeting. (See photos below)
Larry Thiel reminded us to be praying for Dave and Tammy Strasburg, during this difficult time for them.
Kyle is hoping we can find something to keep our supplies in for the August Car Show, so that we don’t have to go around gathering the items from various places. Also, we are planning to purchase tables that can be stored, as well.
Kyle’s trailer search is for something in the $2500-$3,000 range, possibly a 6’X12’. Insurance is not too much, about $13.00 every six months. A license plate is about $79.00. It can possibly be stored at Kyle’s place or he is planning to check with Vorderman’s about storing it in their gated lot.
The flags and banners that Kyle was thinking about are $200-$300 each, so he decided that we don’t really need them as much as we need a trailer.
Kyle mentioned for those who have an early version of the Show flier….the flier has been updated to include the International Harvester Scouts.
Polski BBQ has been confirmed for the August Car Show. Kyle suggested that we find an additional Food Truck to make sure we are covered.
Our one-color T-shirts sold well last year; Kyle suggested that we use the same design in a different color for this year.
Our next meeting is March 6th at Jalapeno’s Mexican Grill, 6121 North Clinton. (At the intersection of Washington Center). They have a side room for us. Please arrive between 6:00-6:30, and feel free to order as you arrive.
We will have our bi-annual elections at this March meeting. Please respond to this email if you would like to nominate someone for either Vice president or secretary. At this point, we have two names on the ballot for VP, and one name for secretary.

Meeting Minutes : January 2023

Fourteen members of the Old Fort VW Club met at Zianos for our meeting/After-Christmas party. Nominations are being accepted for vice president and secretarial positions for the Club. If you are interested in serving, or want to nominate someone for one of these positions, please let Kyle or Marilyn know. Nominations will be officially announced at the February meeting, and voting will be at the March meeting. Our February meeting will be at the Fort Wayne Electric Works on Broadway Street. A parking garage is available on the north side of the campus. You may access the garage off of Lavina Street. Also, there is a parking lot on the south end of the campus off of Swinney Ave., and there is an overflow parking lot on the west side of Electric Works, on Wall Street. Parking is free of the first 2 hours.
In the Union Street Market, the west hall has a “fancy” food court with tables. This is where we will meet for our February Club meeting. Please arrive between 6:00-6:30.
Check out the Fort Wayne Electric Works online for more information.

Meeting Minutes : November 2022

Meeting Minutes of November 7, 2022

Twenty members of the Old Fort VW Club met in the beautiful new two-story garage of Ben and Corina for our annual chili cook-off. Thank you to Ben and Corina for hosting the event! Congrats to the winner of the chili Cook-off, Sue Lantzer. Sue is now a two-time winner! Thanks to everyone who brought chili, cornbread, dessert or sides.

Kyle talked about the new flags that he is looking at. Two 2-sided flags, eight feet tall will be about $500. Four new magnets would cost $104.00, or we can get blanks and Kyle or Larry Thiel can print them and save a lot of that amount.

We had also talked about purchasing ten new tables for the car show. Those run in the $40-$50 range at Sam’s Club, so that could be another $500.00.

Kyle has a family assigned from the Christmas Bureau; it is a father and son. The father is 44, the son is 8. Kyle will forward the info of what they need. It was suggested that we have a shopping committee to help with the purchases of needed items. Corina, Rhonda, Sue and Kyle volunteered to be on the shopping committee. Items will be purchased and reimbursed from Club funds.

Larry Thiel has given notice that he will be resigning as Vice president as of March, 2023. Marilyn Meyer is interested in a new secretarial recruit, also.
If you are interested in either of these positions, please respond to this email, so that your name can be in consideration. We will officially announce nominees for the positions in February, and we will vote in March, 2023.

There will be no meeting in December. Our next meeting will be our after-

Christmas party, on January 8th at 1:00 at Zianos in Chapel Ridge. This will

include a $10.00 gift exchange


Marilyn Meyer, Secretary

Meeting Minutes : October 2022

Meeting Minutes of October 3, 2022
Ten members of the Old Fort VW Club met at the home of Chuck and Becky Ellis for our October meeting, potluck dinner and bonfire. Thanks to Chuck and Becky for another fun evening in such a beautiful venue. After great food and fellowship, the following items were discussed:
 Orlyn said we have a current balance of $6516.
 Kyle mentioned that we need some items for the Club, which include two flags for parades, four new magnets, a 6-8 foot banner, and ten tables for the Car Show. Costco and Sam’s Club occasionally have sales on light weight tables. Kyle will get pricing on the needed items, but is estimating $500.00 for the total cost of items listed. Kyle said he can store the tables.
 Discussion of charitable contributions. Kyle suggested that we may want to consider the Christmas Bureau. We can choose a family to help through the Christmas Bureau. He said we may also want to serve 2-hour shifts at the soup kitchen. If we help a family, we could invite them to our Christmas party, and present them with the gifts. The Club agreed to help a family through the Christmas Bureau.  We are planning a Chili Cook -off for our November meeting on the 7th. The November meeting will be at the home of Ben and Corina, 1916 Lathrop Drive, Fort Wayne, IN, 46808. Please RSVP to this email to sign up for either Chili, salad, or dessert. ALSO, BRING A CHAIR!
 Ann Thiel gave an update on Morgan, the girl with severe medical issues that we donated to last year. Morgan is doing very well, and she is back in school, now! What a blessing!
 Larry and Ann Thiel went to a fund raiser meeting at Texas Road House. They presented two options for fundraisers. The best option was that we choose a day to receive 10% of the Sales of that day., between 5-8 pm. To earn that, we print up fliers inviting people to Texas Road House that day, and we also eat there that day. Larry suggested Monday, August 21, since that day was available, and we can pass out fliers at the car show. We have to pass out 1,000 fliers. Within a week, they will have a check available for our share of the sales.
 Larry Thiel shared that he will not be running for re-election as VP for next year. Nominations will be accepted in January for another VP, and elections will take place in February.
Marilyn Meyer, Secretary

Meeting Minutes : September 2022

Meeting minutes of September 12, 2022
 Twenty-three members of the Old Fort VW Club met at PU Garage 3 for our monthly meeting. This was basically a wrap-up meeting of the car show, and celebration with cake and ice cream.
 Numbers were called out for door prize winners of a few left over coupons, and Mike Courtney won the grand prize of the bucket of trash. Congrats, Mike!!
 Kyle brought up a situation of someone asking Club members to help with car repair. The question to the Club was do we do this? We have a few members who get together on Wednesdays to help with certain projects that need attention, but we need a policy on who can be helped. The suggestion was that the volunteers who do the work should be the ones to establish and recommend the policy. They will talk it over.
 Chuck and Becky Ellis are planning to host the next meeting, on October 3rd, at their home at 5796 County Rd. 51, St. Joe. Larry Thiel and Ken Smith plan to go out and get the wood ready for the bonfire. Plan to bring a dish to share and your own chair.
 Kyle said that the Club needs to purchase a few items such as Parade flags to enhance our image. He will show pictures of such flags at the next meeting. Orlyn mentioned that we purchased tubs for the door prizes of our August Show, and recently ordered new pens with the Club info. Kyle would also like some new magnetic signs for parades.
 We also need to discuss donations to charitable organizations at our next meeting.
 Ben and Corina would like to host the November Chili cook-off in their new garage.
 Kyle is thinking of starting a new tradition of meeting in December for some kind of food collection, like “Pack a VW”. ….
Marilyn Meyer Secretary

August Meeting 2 of 2 – 2022

Meeting Minutes of August 15, 2022
Twenty-four members of the Old Fort VW Club met at Shoaff Park for our last meeting before the Show.
 Larry Temenoff shared some updates before the meeting, regarding the coming electric blend of International Scout and Volkswagen. Larry had talked with the president of VW who was in town for a meeting. They are looking for a good location to build the new vehicle. Locals are hoping for an Indiana location, but Chatanooga, TN is also a possibility.
 Larry Thiel said that this will be a full week of preparation for the Show.
He and Ken Smith are picking up the cones on Wednesday and plan to power wash them. Friday morning is set-up, starting with coffee and donuts at 8:00 at Shoaff Park. A good group of volunteers is needed for set-up.
 Saturday morning we need to arrive as early as possible to get a head start for the day. We usually start around 7 Am with set up on Saturday.
 Club members packed the goody bags for the Show.
 Larry Thiel had put an ad for the Show in the Indiana RV magazine, but they made it sound like it was open to all cars. Larry and Kyle asked the Club if we should allow all cars; the overwhelming vote was, “NO”.
 As usual, following the Show and clean-up, there will be a brief wrap-up meeting for Club members.
 Pray for good weather on Saturday.
Marilyn Meyer, Secretary

August Meeting 1 of 2 – 2022

Meeting Minutes of August 1, 2022
Twenty-three members of the Old Fort VW Club met at Shoaff Park for our regular monthly meeting.
 Larry Temenoff announced that the International Harvester Homecoming is coming up this Friday and Saturday, August 5 & 6, from 8:30-4:00. This may be the last Harvester event, as the building is for sale. Larry will be giving tours in the back road test area. At least one food truck will be on site, and everyone is invited to come out and visit. Harvester had over 10,000 employees in 1980-81.
 Kyle has seen the prototype of the awards. He said we will be impressed.
 Gary said the photographer that we planned on for the Show is not coming. Ben Gerber will change from 50/50 and be the photographer. Mark Sadler will help with the number easel, and Gary Stetler will take Ben’s place, helping Darrold with 50/50. Gary will also take care of processing the photos.
 We will have a water melon eating contest. Gary will bring the watermelon, and Lori Ransburg will bring a knife and cutting board and cut the melon. This contest will include three different age categories. Marilyn is organizing prizes for the contest.
 Larry Thiel said we are increasing our Turtle Race from 75’- 100’ this year. Lori is picking up Turtle Wax for prizes. The helpers in the Slow Race include Lori, Kyle and Bob Berger.
 Our next meeting will be August 15th, to pack goody bags. We will meet again at Shoaff Park. Please arrive between 6:00-6:30, and bring a chair if possible. If you happen to have items for the goody bags, bring them along, as well.
 The Grabill Parade is coming up September 10th, so mark your calendar for another fun event.
Marilyn Meyer

Meeting Minutes – July 2022


Meeting Minutes of July 11. 2022

  •   Twenty-four members and friends of the Old Fort VW Club met at Shoaff Park for our July meeting.
  •   Kyle said he talked with the lady at Valer Trophies again. She is ready and willing to go ahead with our order if we are in agreement. Club agreed to proceed with the order.
  •   Kyle still has some of the 20th anniversary shirts in Medium and Large sizes. If you want one, they are $15.00. See Kyle.
  •   Larry Thiel announced that more sweatshirts cannot be ordered at this time. We would have to order at least 25 shirts, and the cost would be considerably higher than it was with the original order.
  •   Thanks to Club members for bringing so many nice door prizes. They will be counted and organized soon so that we know how many items we have so far.
  •   Graber Porta Pots will bring two Porta Pots out on Friday morning, August 19th about 9 AM. We have asked for one regular unit and one disabled accessible unit.
  •   Kyle and Larry need plenty of workers setting up for the Show on Friday, August 19th. They will begin at 8:00, with coffee and donuts.
  •   The St. Joe Pickle Parade is coming up Saturday, July 16th. We are planning to meet at Cherry Park at 11:00. Bring a sack lunch, if you wish. We will hang out for a bit before lining up for the Parade, which begins at 1:00. Directions: Take State Rd. 1 to St. Joe. At the stop sign, go straight ahead, and over the railroad tracks. You will come to Cherry Park on your right. Marilyn Meyer

Our next meeting will be Monday, August 1st, at Shoaff Park. Please

arrive between 6:00-6:30, and bring a chair, if possible.

Meeting Minutes : June 2022

Meeting Minutes of June 6, 2022

Seventeen members of the Old Fort VW Club met at the Purdue Parking Garage 3 for our
monthly meeting, with the threat of a pending rain storm.
 Welcome, new member, Carla Barrett! You are joining a great team of VW enthusiasts!
Carla has a 1970 orange Beetle that is soon to be restored.
 Kyle said that Vorderman VW has donated $500 towards our trophy expense. They are
also replacing their signage, and will have an old sign that we can use as a raffle item at
the Show.
 Sweetwater cannot donate this year. They said they have already reached their
allotment for contributions for the year.
 Trophies will include the Top Ten in each category, Best in Show, and Longest Distance.
 The trophy design will be like our T-shirt design, cut in metal.
 Kyle has all the registration cards and necessary paper work printed.


 Larry Thiel suggested that we sell the shirts for $12.00, instead of $15.00, just to make
sure that they do sell. He is concerned that attendance may be down, due to the price
of gas. MM&P
 Kyle said the dash plaques can be in brushed silver, with royal blue print, to match our
shirts, if we choose. Club voted for the matching theme. They come to .98 each, plus
$14.95 shipping, and we get a $25 gift card from Rock Auto. We are ordering 125 dash
 Orlyn showed a sample of a new pen that is available for .69 each, plus shipping and tax.
Kyle said to go ahead and order the pens; we are getting low on the old ones.
 We do need to be collecting Door prize items. Please report at the next meeting if you
have any items to contribute.
 Several Club members are recuperating; please keep them in your prayers: Chuck and
Becky Ellis, Dave Strassburg having eye problems, and Gary Stetler recuperating from
pneumonia. We had a good report that Churck Ellis is making progress. We are all
pulling for you, Chuck!
Marilyn Meyer, Secretary

Meeting Minutes : May 2022

Meeting Minutes of May 2, 2022

Nineteen members of the Old Fort VW Club met at Portillos for our monthly meeting!
Following food and fellowship, the following items were discussed:
 Kyle said Rock Auto is supplying goody bag items again for the Show.
 Orlyn sent the affidavit of current insurance to Daryn Swartz of the Parks Department,
so we are good for our Park permit.
 Food Vendor and Whip and Chill are scheduled. VW Club workers will eat for half price.
 The D.J. is scheduled
 Porta Pots are reserved.
 Kyle has letters for donations
 Kyle will call for the Honor Guard participants
 The T-shirt order is in process. Thank you, Larry and Ann Thiel, for checking on T-shirt
companies and finding the best deal for the Show! Corina came up with a nice design
that will be used for the shirts.
 Club members signed up to order shirts. Both short sleeved shirts and sweatshirts are
available for members. The shirts will be gray with royal blue print. Other colors of
shirts are not easily available, but the gray is available.
 Larry will order 75 shirts to sell at the Show, besides what Club members order. Shirts
will sell for $15. 00 each at the Show.


May 3, 2022 – Monticello, Sportsman Inn, every Tuesday 5-8

May 5, 2022 – Bluffton, 995 N. Main St., Cruise-in, 5-8, 260-466-1628

May 5, 2022 – Middlebury, Essenhaus, Every Thursday Cruise-in, 4:30-8
May 5, 2022 – Burlington, Coffee Shop, St. Rd. 29, cruise-in, 4-7
May 5, 2022 – Bunker Hill, Miami Correctional Facility, 10-2, 765-432-2409 (RD 6th)

May 6, 2022 – Warsaw, Downtown, 1st Friday, cruise-in, 5-8

May 7, 2022 – Winamac, 110 N. Franklin St., 9-3, 574-595-0217
May 7, 2022 – West Lafayette, Vettes for Vets, 4449 IN 43, 10-3, 765-412-7984
May 7, 2022 – Tipton, Dan Young Chevrolet, 9-3
May 7, 2022 – Syracuse, 12889 N. Kern Rd., 8-1

May 14, 2022 – Kokomo, Highland Park, 8-2, 765-432-5197
May 14, 2022 – Gas City, Gas City Park, cruise-in, 4-11
May 14, 2022 – Bluffton, Family Ford, 9-3, 260-466-1628
May 14, 2022 – Crawfordsville, 1408 Darlington Ave., 10-4
May 14, 2022 – Marion, 50th St. & St. Rd. 9, 9-3 765-664-3734
May 14, 2022 – Warsaw, Toyota of Warsaw, 448 W 250 N, 9-6, 574-527-9563
May 14, 2022 – Burnettsville, Bee Hive, Cruise-in, 12-?, 574-870-4253
May 14, 2022 – Lafayette, 3839 Teal Road, Long John Silvers, 10-3, 765-586-0618

May 15, 2022 – Muncie, Cammack Station, 9200 W. Jackson St. 3-7
May 15, 2022 – Warsaw, Downtown Square, 12-4:30, 574-527-9563

May 21, 2022 – Monticello, AMVETS Post 91, 219 Northwest Ave., 9-3, 219-313-2460
May 21, 2022 – Marion, 1700 S. Pennsylvania St., American Legion Post 10, 10-3,
May 21, 2022 – Portland, W. Main St. & US27, 1-7, 260-417-6065

May 22, 2022 – Valparaiso, 215E Division Rd., car show, swap meet, 10-4, 708-821-6941

May 28, 2022 – Frankfort, TPA Park, 11-3, 606-307-4657

May 30, 2022 -Laketon, Hwy 114 and Ogden Rd., 9-3, 260-438-0341

Meeting Minutes : April 2022

Meeting Minutes of April 4, 2022

Fourteen members of the Old Fort VW Club met at East State Pizza Hut for our April meeting.

After food and fellowship, the following items were discussed:

• Larry Thiel gave a report on Chuck Ellis. Chuck is getting therapy at Parkview Randalia, and is working on taking steps. Keep Chuck and Becky in your prayers.
• Kyle has done some research on T-shirt printing for the Show. Because of the cost factor, we need to stick to one color of shirt and one color of print.
• Corina showed some designs that could be used or modified to work on the shirts.
• Kyle said we need to decide on a design at the next meeting.
• Kyle has been talking with the trophy company. They can make a trophy that will be affordable.
• The Brian Foster estate sale is an online auction. There are many car parts, engines, etc.
• The Club website features several items, including the meeting minutes and a sales page. In order to see the minutes, (in case you accidentally deleted your email version,) you can use the password, OFVW2022.
• In order to advertise on the website sales page, you need to set up an account.
• Kyle distributed new Club business cards, See him if you need some.
• The May 2nd meeting will be at Portillo’s, 295 W.Coliseum Blvd, (behind Cheddar’s).
• Upcoming event: Saturday, May 21st, Cars and Coffee in Auburn…across from the ACD Museum.

Marilyn Meyer

Meeting Minutes : March 2022


Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2022 

Seventeen members of the Old Fort VW Club met at Liberty Diner for our March meeting.  Following food and fellowship, the following items were discussed: 

∙ Ken Smith gave an update on Chuck Ellis. Please keep Chuck and Becky in your  prayers, as Chuck works with therapists towards recovery. 

∙ Kyle has been updating the website. He will soon have photos on the site from our  Car Shows in recent years.  

∙ Web page for Members Meeting Minutes on Club Site, ∙ Website Sale Page available; to Post, must log in. 

∙ Car Show August 20th—Advertised in two car Magazines, Hot V-Dubs, and The  Samba. 

∙ Show also listed in the Kroozin’ Calendar 

∙ Show Vendors are lined up; the Park permit will be obtained after we pay our  insurance in April. 

∙ Bob Chapman’s granddaughter worked on a T-shirt design. We can let her know if  we have any suggestions. See her original design below. 

∙ Kyle said the Indy Circle City Club has become disorganized. Their recent Car Shows  have turned into a weekend campout, but have not attracted many cars. Their  president has asked Kyle to take over as interim president for a few months and try  to organize the Club. 

∙ Larry Thiel has studied our insurance policy. The annual cost is up just two dollars,  for an annual charge of $191.00. The fee is due in April. MM&P to continue our  policy, as needed. 

∙ Kyle said he has numerous goody bag items coming in for the Show. Valer can make  a nice trophy with a pewter insert in our license plate holders. Hopefully,  Vordermans will be willing to sponsor our trophies again this year. 

∙ Bob Berger is a volunteer at the ACD Museum. He announced the ACD Cars and  Coffee coming up on May 21st, 9-11. The event takes place across the street from  the ACD Museum. 

The next meeting is April 4th, at the East State Pizza Hut, 3820 East State Street. Please arrive between 6:00-6:30, and feel free to order as you arrive. 

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